Apart from keeping the lights on
If it’s properly designed and maintained, it is a very reliable and safe alternative to the local utility. Your once off capital expense is an investment and in the current state of our nation a necessary asset. It increases the marketability and in some cases the value of your home.
Our qualifications first then experience, lifelong learner approach to the industry allows us to stay current and helps us provide you with the optimal solution to fit your budget. Generators are noisy, fuel consuming and cumbersome. Generators are a short term solution to the problem that just won’t go away. Self generation and storage of your energy allows you to have the lights on, without the background noise and cumbersome odours.
Storage is not necessarily batteries only, your geyser is thermal storage, and a low cost evaporative cooling system brings down the temperature of your home while you’re away, allowing air conditioners to use less energy to cool down the house when you get home. Heat pumps blow out cold air to heat up your geyser (thermal storage vessel), they are noisy, but the cold air can be utilized in other ways. i.e cooling down your solar modules increases their yield. Or it can cool down the evaporative cooling water.